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Home schooling

Home schooled children also do projects. In fact, many times entire groups of home schooled children meet to work on projects together. There are lending libraries for home schoolers, as well as clubs for literature, science, and so on.
9203_31808_2.png   FirstClass facilitates home schooling
If you are home schooling a child, your home schooler's organization may use FirstClass to let you communicate with other home schoolers. You can organize your own projects as described in the Developing Projects conference.
Here are some of the ways you can use FirstClass for project development in a home schooling environment.
•        In a large group, have a few parents choose a project to manage, and then let the students sign up for the project they are most interested in.
•        Create a support group of home schoolers where parents can communicate with each other about the current projects, discuss future projects, set up a lending library, provide resources, and so on.

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